- panini
- cards
Each sealed box contains 5 packs of 5 cards each in a 196 card set ('d to
999). >>> Each box contains TWO Optichrome cards, TWO Memorabilia cards, and
EIGHT Autograph cards. Parallel sets: Pink, 203rd Decade Die-Cut ('d to 203),
Turn of the Century ('d to 120), 1-of-1 Black, 1-of-1 Black Die-Cut;
Aspirations ('d to 499 or less), Status ('d to 249 or less), and Prime (Gold
> 'd to 24 & Gold Die-Cut > 'd to 10).Inserts: College Tickets, Passing the
Torch, Pulse, Optichrome (parallels: Holo, Gold > 10 & 1-of-1 Gold Vinyl;
Signatures, parallels > 'd to 10 & 1-of-1), Prime Numbers ('d to 250 or
less, Die-Cut parallels > 'd to 99 or less; Signatures > 'd to 250 or less,
Die-Cut parallels > 'd to 78 or less), Signatures (1-of-1 Black parallels),
Aspirations Die-Cut Signatures ('d to 49 or less, Gold parallel > 'd to 24),
New Decade Die-Cut Signatures, Status Die-Cut Signatures ('d to 30 or less,
Gold Die-Cut parallel > 'd to 10), College Tickets Signatures (parallels:
Holo, Gold > 'd to 10 & 1-of-1 Gold Vinyl), DPL Signatures (Materials > 'd
to 199 or less), Future Threads Signatures ('d to 299 or less), Hidden Gems
(parallels > 'd to 25 or less), All-Time First Round Materials (parallels >
'd to 199 or less), DPL Materials (parallels > 'd to 199 or less), First
Round Materials (parallels > 'd to 199 or less), Prospect Materials
(parallels > 'd to 199 or less), and USA Baseball Materials (parallels > 'd
to 199 or less).