2020 Panini Mosaic NFL Football BLASTER box

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  • Regular price $119.00

  • Cards

Each sealed box contains 8 packs of 4 cards each in a 200 card set. Parallel
sets: Camo Pink, Genesis, Green, Reactive Blue, Reactive Green, Reactive Gold,
Reactive Orange, Orange Fluorescent ('d to 20), Gold Fluorescent ('d to 20),
Blue Fluorescent ('d to 15), and Pink Fluorescent ('d to 10).Inserts: Center
Stage, Stained Glass, In It to Win It, Overdrive, Flea Flicker / Swagger / Got
Game? / Old School (parallels: Mosaic, Green, Reactive Blue > 'd to 99,
Reactive Green > 'd to 89, Orange Fluorescent > 'd to 25, Gold Fluorescent >
'd to 20, Blue Fluorescent > 'd to 15 & Pink Fluorescent > 'd to 10),
Introductions / Men of Mastery / Blue Chips / Montage / Star Masters / TD
Masters / Will to Win ('d to 25 or less), Autographs (parallels > 'd to 10 &
1-of-1), Scripts, and Update.